Els polítics valencians sota els focus d’À Punt: una anàlisi de la cobertura televisiva de les Eleccions autonòmiques de 2019





Eleccions autonòmiques; política valenciana; À Punt; entrevistes polítiques; debats electorals; «infoentreteniment».


Despite the repeated breaches of Canal 9, the former Valencian television network, in terms of its public service function, its closure in 2013 by the PP government had a significant impact on the collective imagination and it represented a considerable loss for the autonomic communication system. In this sense, the launch of the Valencian public media platform, À Punt Mèdia, aroused high expectations among Valencian society. Among other purposes, the politicians and the communication professionals involved had to show that things could be done differently. The 2019 Regional Elections were a wonderful opportunity to prove this. On the one hand, deploying new audiovisual formulas that can transfer political information to the citizens in the best conditions. On the other hand, move away from the information manipulation that had characterized the previous stage. The purpose of this paper is to check the extent to which these two issues have occurred and we will do this by analyzing À Punt's coverage of the electoral process with regard to information genres, apart from the news. Specifically, we will focus on political interviews with candidates and the electoral debates. We will use different methodologies, quantitative and qualitative, to obtain the results, which aim for a fairly balanced behavior, both in the audiovisual morphology and in the depth of the informative story, but with little ambition as a whole for a public medium that aspires to be a media reference in their territory.


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Author Biography

Alvar Peris Blanes, Universitat de València

Professor Ajudant Doctor de Comunicació Audiovisual i Publicitat. Departament de Teoria dels Llenguatges i Ciències de la Comunicació.


Aquest treball s’emmarca en el Projecte d’I+D+i «Estrategias, agendas y discursos en las cibercampañas electorales: medios de comunicación y ciudadanos» (referència CSO2016-77331-C2-1-R), concedit pel Ministeri d’Economia i Competitivitat per al període 2017-2020 i desenvolupat pel grup d’investigació Mediaflows (www.mediaflows.es).



How to Cite

Peris Blanes, A., Marín Pérez, B. and Sánchez Castillo, S. (2020) “Els polítics valencians sota els focus d’À Punt: una anàlisi de la cobertura televisiva de les Eleccions autonòmiques de 2019”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 134(1), pp. 71–90. doi: 10.28939/iam.debats.134-1.5.

