New social movements in times of conservatism and austerity:

Analysis of the political process of educational mobilization in the Balearic Islands (2013-2015)




education reform, collective action frames, social movement, repertoires of collective action, structure of political opportunities


During the 2011-2015 legislature, the education sector of the Balearic Islands was immersed in a profound process of educational reform that combined the application of strict austerity policies with an ambitious reform plan that questioned the existing linguistic model. As a result of all these reforms, new collective actors and networks emerged, and the conflict broke out, which peaked with the calling of an indefinite strike in the education sector. This research aims to analyse the trajectory and the reasons that explain the success of the social mobilization against these educational reforms. At the theoretical level, the research is informed by the political process approach, which integrates structural and ideational drivers of collective action. Methodologically, the case study follows the process-tracing method and is based on 20 semi-structured interviews with key actors and document analysis. The findings show that frame bridging, together with the combination of collective action repertoires of a different nature, played a key role in the success of the analysed social movement.


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Author Biographies

Lluís Parcerisa, Departament de Sociologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Lluís Parcerisa es Doctor en Sociología por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2020). Parcerisa es investigador del proyecto ERC-StG REFORMED y miembro del grupo de investigación en Globalización, Educación y Políticas Sociales (GEPS). Sus investigaciones analizan la difusión de las reformas de rendición de cuentas en el campo de la educación y su recontextualización en el sistema educativo chileno.

Antoni Verger, Departament de Sociologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Antoni Verger es catedrático de Sociología en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Sus estudios analizan la formación, recontextualización e implementación de políticas educativas desde una perspectiva multi-nivel. Desde el año 2016, coordina el proyecto de investigación REFORMED ( en el marco del GEPS. Es editor de la Journal of Education Policy y del World Yearbook of Education (Routledge).


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How to Cite

Parcerisa, L. and Verger, A. (2023) “New social movements in times of conservatism and austerity: : Analysis of the political process of educational mobilization in the Balearic Islands (2013-2015)”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 137(2), pp. 29–40. doi: 10.28939/iam.debats-137-2.2.

