Protest cycles in post-transitional Spain (2011–2017): a comparison between the Indignados Movement and the Catalan independence process
Structure of Political Opportunities, Democratization, Nationalism, Social MovementsAbstract
This article aims to find out how the structure of political opportunities in Spain has changed in relation to the cycle of protest associated with the 15-M movement and the Catalan independence process during the period 2011-2017. To do this, we start from the comparison between both episodes of conflict based on the analytical model developed by the theories of the political process together with the evidence provided by the analysis of statistical records, the barometers of public opinion, the newspapers and the investigations carried out by other authors. The article evidences the cycle of protest during that period, as well as the differences and similarities of both episodes in relation to the different variables that make up the structure of political opportunities. To end up, we identify the impacts of both episodes on this structure and the responses by the state to manage the challenges launched from both movements. Finally, the two institutionalization dynamics followed by both movements and their conclusion in two different outputs compared: the transformation of the party system in the Spanish case and the repression and imprisonment of the pro-independence leaders in the Catalan case.
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