The use made of video in the social media by candidates in the 2019 Valencian Autonomous Government elections
social media, politics, elections, audiovisual communication, Comunitat ValencianaAbstract
Videos are increasingly being used in social networks for a wide range of purposes, including political campaigning.
Here, social media seem to be gaining an edge over traditional ones when it comes to making political choices, especially
during election campaigns. This paper examines the extent to which social media is used in Valencian Autonomous
Government elections and looks at each of the candidates experiences in this regard in the April 2019 elections. We pay
particular attention to the differences between the three networks analysed — Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and
consider what kind of video information is shared. For these purposes, we create nine formal categories, some of which
draw on traditional media while others are created ad hoc for our study. Based on these categories, we identify which
media are most used, and give guidelines on best practices. We also consider differences in usage between politicians
from the left and right ends of the political spectrum. The results point to a general lack of communication strategy in
candidates’ use of discretionary video materials.
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