Emotional Management in the Spanish Workplace. Quantitative analysis through the construction of an Index of Emotional Quality at Work and its link with the social structure





Emotional Management, Emotional Quality Index at Work, Structural Factors, Social Class.


The organisation of work, located in the post-Fordist paradigm, stresses the emotional aspects of employee-client interaction processes. This emphasis arises from the shift in the productive structure towards growth in service activities in which interpersonal relationships are key factors. In this "new culture", the organisation is conceived as a ‘sentient’ environment and emotional work captures the interest of researchers and social scientists who analyse the role played by emotions in occupations and organisational culture (Zapf, 2002, Grandey 2000, 2015, Seymour and Sandiford 2005, Bolton 2000, Wharton,
2009, Totterdell, and Holman, 2003). Most related research has focused on qualitative case studies of workers in the service sector (Steinberg and Figart, 1999) — an approach that limits the inferences one can make and hinders one in linking findings to the social structure. The aim of our research is to expand this field of analysis and explore the link between emotional management and social structure. That is why we used a quantitative methodology, for which purpose we built an Emotional Quality Index in the Workplace (EQIW), allowing us to measure the emotional quality of workers in Spain and analyse their relationship with the three key structural variables: social class; occupation; gender. Here, we used data from the European
Working Conditions Survey (2015). The results show that there are significant differences in the emotional management of work by occupation, social class and gender, verifying that there is indeed a link between the EQIW and the social structure.


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Author Biography

María Cascales Mira, Universidad de Sevilla

María Cascales és doctora en Sociologia per la Universidad de Sevilla i des del 2010 hi treballa com a professora interina en el Departament de Sociologia. El seu camp d'investigació se situa en la sociologia del treball i la sociologia de les emocions, vinculat amb l'estructura social. Les seues últimes publicacions han sigut «La calidad intrínseca del trabajo y su vinculación con las lógicas laborales» (2021) en la Revista Española de Sociología i «New Model for Measuring Job Quality: Developing an European Intrinsic Job Quality Index» (2021) en Social Indicators Research.
Pertany al grup d'investigació Estudios Sobre la Calidad de las Sociedades Europeas (ECALSE) i ha participat en la publicació del llibre The Quality of European Societies: A Compilation of Composite Indicators amb el capítol «Job Quality» (Springer, 2019). Ha participat en la xarxa INCASI (International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities), finançada per la Comissió Europea, a través de la qual ha realitzat diverses estades d'investigació a Llatinoamèrica. En l'actualitat participa en el projecte d'investigació «Dinámicas de movilidad social en España» (DINAMOS) vinculat al projecte INCASI.


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How to Cite

Cascales Mira, M. (2021) “Emotional Management in the Spanish Workplace. Quantitative analysis through the construction of an Index of Emotional Quality at Work and its link with the social structure”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 135(1). doi: 10.28939/iam.debats-135-1.3.

