Depression definitions in controversy: Comparing layperson/expert narratives




CTS, cartografía contreversias, etnografía digital, definción depresión


Definitions are narratives in action which imply a closing movement onto the ontology of what is defined. In this case, we explore the definitions in mutual tension and/or symbiosis, with consonant and dissonant spaces, about what is depression. The term itself is approached as a controversy subject of cartography with a comparison between laypeople and expert narratives making use of digital ethnography as methodology. A self-administered open questionnaire online is completed with the definitions of 29 laypeople participants. On the other hand, expert narratives are gathered with the definitions of 9 health institutions webpages, mediation spaces towards the public. Definitions echo from both spaces as splits between biological and psychological-social, with a reiteration of the division between exogeneity and endogeneity. An emotionality characterized by the summation of reductionisms, cumulative factors in an equation of what depression is. The solutions offered, depression as transformation in action, place the mental health device as an obligatory passage point to cure the ill bodies. However, the laypeople narratives offer mutual care practices based upon a more democratizing communication. Finally, we conclude considering other possible ontologies of depression which consider the socio-material assemblies, ontologies following the pragmatical turn defining the depression in action.


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Author Biography

Javier García-Martínez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Graduat en Sociologia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2018) i Màster en Anàlisi Sociocultural del Coneixement i de la Comunicació (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019). Especialitzat en les interseccions entre la sociologia del cos i les emocions, els estudis de ciència, tecnologia i societat i les aproximacions etnogràfiques digitals.


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How to Cite

García-Martínez, J. (2021) “Depression definitions in controversy: Comparing layperson/expert narratives”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 135(1). doi: 10.28939/iam.debats-135-1.2.

