Call for papers for the issue “Culture and Genders” Revista Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat


Call for papers for the issue “Culture and Genders”

Revista Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat


Coordinators: Marta Casals (Universitat de Barcelona, Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura) and Anna Villarroya (Universitat de Barcelona, Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura)

Abstracts submission date: January 10, 2021

Delivery date of the complete articles: May 1, 2021

Instructions for authors:


Over the last few years, we have seen many calls for a greater presence of women in the world of culture. Movements such as #MeToo and #OnSónLesDones have drawn attention to attacks against women artists, the difficulties they face in attaining positions of power, and the lack of recognition and visibility their work receives. At the same time, international organizations such as UNESCO have warned of the violation of the cultural rights of women and underrepresented genders in numerous publications (2018 Global Report Re|Shaping Cultural Policies; Culture & working conditions for artists, 2019; Freedom & Creativity: Defending art, defending diversity, 2020) and various countries have adopted measures to address the issue.


Currently, one of the central objectives of the cultural policies implemented by certain institutions is the reduction of the gender gap in access to cultural, economic and social resources for women and the LGTBI population. Analyzing this gap in issues related to cultural management should contribute toward the elimination of gender inequality through a cultural policy framework with a gender perspective. Various regional and municipal governments are working toward the consolidation of an organizational culture free of discrimination and with equal opportunities and rights. Among other factors, consolidating a cultural agenda with a gender perspective is necessary for the development of actions that promote the principles of equality, equity, and non-discrimination.


The current global crisis caused by the pandemic could undermine the progress made in recent years, especially given the lack of focus on gender equality in rescue and assistance programs around the world. It is therefore important to analyze how the pandemic has affected creative and cultural worker groups differently, especially women and underrepresented genders. The fact that caregiving responsibilities are a determining factor affecting the ability to generate income during the crisis may exacerbate (gender) inequalities in the long term. This issue is particularly relevant for women artists and cultural professionals who are freelancers or self-employed and who may suffer more from discrimination in their efforts to progress in their career or even to join the labor market due to caregiving responsibilities.


Taking a broad perspective, the aim of this monograph is to present empirical and theoretical research that can help raise awareness of gender inequalities in the cultural sector, as well as studies that explore fairer and more culturally diverse forms of action. Studies from the fields of political science, sociology, economics, cultural management, and also from other disciplines such as anthropology, cultural studies, history, education, museology, and communication will be considered. Work that takes an interdisciplinary and international approach to examine the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the world of culture from a gender perspective is especially welcome.


The coordinators will consider papers on the following subjects:


  • The gender perspective in public cultural policies.
  • Gender inequalities in the cultural and artistic labor market.
  • The gender bias in the algorithmic recommendation systems of cultural consumption platforms.
  • Inequalities in the recognition of women in the cultural field (awards, distinctions, etc.).
  • Limitations in the progression to key decision-making positions in the cultural industry.
  • The gender gap in access to cultural resources, goods and services, and certain cultural sectors and professions.
  • The role of gender in the professionalization of disciplines in the field of culture and cultural management.
  • The incorporation of the gender perspective in the management of cultural facilities.
  • Cultural institutions: the role and place of women in public management.
  • Gender representations in media and cultural products.
  • Cultural rights free of gender-based exclusions


Deadlines and guidelines:


Articles can be written in Catalan, Spanish, or English. Abstracts, with a clear title and maximum of 800 words, must be sent electronically to the editors of this special issue (;, with a copy to the journal’s editorial staff (, by January 10, 2021.


The editors will notify authors by January 31, 2021 of the decision in relation to their proposed contributions and the authors of accepted abstracts must follow the instructions included on the journal website to upload their completed articles by May 1, 2021 via the online platform. The journal and the editors will notify authors of the first round of revisions on September 15, 2021, and final publication is scheduled for 2022.


Articles should not exceed 8,000 words (notes and bibliography included) and should adhere to the guidelines of the journal ( Once the articles are uploaded to the platform, those that meet the journal guidelines and fit within the parameters of the topics of this call will undergo a peer review process.