Publishing ethics, good practices, detection of plagiarism and/or scientific misconduct

Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society is committed to complying with good practices and ethics in publication. These are understood as:

- Authorship: in the event of multi-authorship, the participation of all authors must be acknowledged, all authors must agree on the submission of the article and the author who is responsible must ensure that all authors approve the revisions and the final version.

 - Publication practices: the author must make known any previous publication of the article, including translations or simultaneous submissions to other journals.

 - Conflict of interest: authors must declare financial support of the research and any commercial, financial or personal relationship that may affect the results and conclusions of the work. In these cases, a statement should be included in the article stating such circumstances

 - Review process: the Editorial Board must ensure that the published research papers have been reviewed by at least two specialists in the field, and that the review process is fair and impartial. Therefore, it must ensure confidentiality of the review at all times and the non-existence of conflicts of interest of the reviewers. The Editorial Board shall base its decisions on the reasoned reports prepared by the reviewers.

The journal will implement mechanisms and double-check to detect plagiarism and/or scientific malpractice. Plagiarism is understood as:

• Present others’ work as your own

• Adopt words or ideas from other authors without due recognition

• Absence of quotation marks in a literal quotation

• Provide incorrect information regarding the true source of a citation

• Paraphrasing of a source without mentioning the source

• Abuse of paraphrasing, even if the source is mentioned


The practices constituting scientific malpractice are as follows:

• Fabrication, falsification, or omission of data and plagiarism

• Duplicate publication and self-plagiarism

• Individual authorship of collective authorship

• Conflicts of authorship

Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society may make scientific malpractices public should they be discovered. In these cases, the Editorial Board reserves the right to withdraw those previously published articles when the lack of reliability is determined subsequent to publication, due to involuntary errors or to fraud or the aforementioned scientific malpractices. The objective of such withdrawal is to correct any previously published scientific production, ensuring integrity of the works. The conflict of duplicity, caused by the simultaneous publication of an article in two journals, will be resolved by determining the date of receipt of the work in each journal. If only a part of the article contains an error, it can be corrected subsequently by means of an editorial note or admission of errata. In the event of conflict, the journal will ask the author or authors for explanations and relevant evidence for clarification, and will make a final decision based thereon.

The journal will publish a communication in its printed and electronic versions regarding the withdrawal of a particular text, stating the reasons for taking such a measure, in order to distinguish malpractice from involuntary error. Likewise, the journal will notify the withdrawal to the officials of the institution to which the author or authors of the article belong/s. As a preliminary step to the final withdrawal of an article, the journal may publish a communication of irregularity, providing the necessary information in the same terms as in the case of withdrawal. The communication of irregularity will be maintained for the minimum time required, and will conclude with its withdrawal or with the formal retraction of the article.