Not just cock rock: Bodi and affective male experiences in dancing rock
This article suggests that, after over half a century during which successive generations of fans
in countries around the world have embraced multiple local and global genres and styles of pop-rock
music, individuals in many countries have became equipped with sonic-musical knowledge that enables
them to immediately, spontaneously and intuitively decipher amplified, electric, electronic and
manipulated musical soundscapes. Possession of this type of corporeal knowledge, and its routine
embodiment by individuals across many different parts of the world amounts to a mundane
manifestation of current culture, or rather a commonplace musical cosmopolitanism. As it unfolds,
this article discusses the notion of musical cosmopolitanism and the meaning of pop-rock as an
aesthetic culture. It also develops a classification of music-related knowledge into three major
categories – discursive, musical and sonic knowledge – before focusing on the third type.
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