De l’«esclat social» d’octubre de 2019 al canvi constitucional. El significat polític de les mobilitzacions socials a Xile
The paper examines the causes of the social revolt in Chile in October 2019 and the path carved out by the relationship between institutional policies and social mobilizations, and that led to the 2020 plebiscite for the New Constitution. It is based on a hypothesis on the epochal transformation of society and the configuration of democracy in its cultural and political dimensions. The key question posed is: To what extent can the two main problems be solved?, to wit: (1) finding a new social-economic order to replace the model imposed during the dictatorship (“neoliberalism with Chilean features”)—a model that was tweaked by the Concertación and the Nueva Mayoría center-left coalition governments (Garretón, 2012; Mayol, 2013; Atria; 2013); (2) coming up with new kinds of relationship between politics and the social movement, offering scope for going beyond the classic model and for marking a radical break with the past, as in Chile’s case.
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