Culture and gender perspectives in the city of Barcelona



In recent years, many countries and local governments have paid special attention to the circumstances and needs of women as creators and producers of diverse artistic expressions. The inclusion of gender equality in the political agenda has emerged, in many cities, at the hand of feminist movements and the activism of professionals in the cultural sector. This article aims to explore the role of Barcelona as a laboratory city for good practices in the field of culture and gender. After a previous diagnosis of gender inequalities in the field of arts and culture in the city of Barcelona, this original research used a qualitative methodology. This was based on a series of semi-structured interviews with leading professionals in the sector of culture and gender. We also analysed different cases of innovative experiences in the cultural field located in different neighbourhoods
of the city. The article concludes that, although the feminist movements and cultural sector of Barcelona have worked to put gender equality on the political-institutional agenda, there is still a long way to go in implementing programmatic activities able to transform our society.


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Author Biographies

Anna Villarroya, Universitat de Barcelona

Has a degree in law and economics and a PhD in public sector economics from the University of Barcelona where she is now an associate professor in the Department of Economics. She is president of the European Association of Cultural Research and, in 2006, authored the profile for Spain included in the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. In addition, she is the academic coordinator of the Interuniversity Doctorate Program, Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies, and Policies and director of the Centre for Research in Information, Communication, and Culture at the University of Barcelona

Marta Casals-Balaguer, Universitat de Barcelona

Has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona where she is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education. She is also a professor in the Higher School of Music of Catalonia and in the Open University of Catalonia. Likewise, she is the coordinator of the master’s degree in music management and production in the Higher School of Music of Catalonia. Casals-Balaguer is a research member of the Centre for Research in Information, Communication, and Culture at the University of Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Villarroya, A. and Casals-Balaguer, M. (2022) “Culture and gender perspectives in the city of Barcelona”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 7, pp. 189–206. Available at: (Accessed: 3 July 2024).

