Analysis of Affective Discourse in the Change Process of the Employment Relationship Model: Environment Management through Collective Bargaining


  • María Carmen Bericat Alastuey Universidad de Zaragoza
  • José Luis Antoñanzas Laborda Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Eva María Tomás del Río Universidad de Zaragoza



This paper covers research whose goal was to analyse affective changes in the process of change in the labour relations model that was consolidated throughout the 1990s. Based on a case study, the focus was on the emotional content expressed by the protagonists in
relation to this collective bargaining framework. In conducting the analysis, we used the wide range of procedures provided by Discourse Analysis (DA). Part of this analysis focused on the protagonists’ emotional management of the early stages of the negotiation. The results let us delve deeper into the affective nature of this process, thereby expanding the light shed by other theoretical and methodological perspectives on this change in the labour relations model.


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Author Biographies

María Carmen Bericat Alastuey, Universidad de Zaragoza

Degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia (UV) and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Zaragoza (UZ). She is Professor of the Department of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza and her teaching career to date has been spent in the institution’s Faculty of Social and Labour Sciences. Her research lines fall within the scope of: the Sociology of Labour Relations; a critical perspective of human resource management; emotions; gender relations. She is a member of the OPIICS research group at the University of Zaragoza.

José Luis Antoñanzas Laborda, Universidad de Zaragoza

Degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia (UV) and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Zaragoza (UZ). He holds a Master in Applied Social Studies and a Master in Occupational Risk Prevention. Antoñanzas is Professor of the Department of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza. His teaching career to date has been spent in the same institution’s Faculty of Education. His lines’ of research fall within the scope of: Learning and Emotions; pathological gambling in adolescents; drivers of behaviour. He is a member of the OPIICS research group at the University of Zaragoza.

Eva María Tomás del Río, Universidad de Zaragoza

Degree in Sociology from the University of Navarra. She is Professor of the Department of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza (UZ). Her teaching career to date has been spent in the institution’s Faculty of Social and Labour Sciences. Tomás del Río’s lines of research fall within the scope of: implementation and evaluation of public policies; citizen participation processes; gender relations. She is a member of the OPIICS research group at the University of Zaragoza.


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How to Cite

Bericat Alastuey, M. C., Antoñanzas Laborda, J. L. and Tomás del Río, E. M. (2021) “Analysis of Affective Discourse in the Change Process of the Employment Relationship Model: Environment Management through Collective Bargaining”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, pp. 55–68. doi: 10.28939/iam.debats-en.2021-4.

