Artists against tourism gentrification: Analyzing creative practices of resistance in Porto




We examine how artists’ work has been used to fight gentrification in Porto (Portugal) over the last five years. After mapping agents, projects, and initiatives, the paper selected six artists from different areas, and who work on housing and city rights-related issues. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the artists, and their practices and discourse were analyzed to discover their views on the city’s transformations and the role Art and artists play in highlighting them. The interviews also revealed dilemmas and contradictions, such as: the tension between celebrating Porto’s identity and avoiding tourism-phobia; the risks of Art being exploited for financial or political gain; the difficulty of striking a balance between artistic freedom and independence on the one hand, and funding and recognition on the other. One of the paper’s findings is that such challenges reflect the precarious state of The Arts and Culture in Portugal today.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, I., Teixeira Lopes, J. and Ferro, L. (2023) “Artists against tourism gentrification: Analyzing creative practices of resistance in Porto: ”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 137(1), pp. 31–50. doi: 10.28939/iam.debats-137-1.2.

