Intersectionality and public policies of equality. Elements of discussion
gender, inequality, diversity, social justice, lawAbstract
Equality as a basic principle of our societies continues to lead debates, more or less tense and intense, as well as proposals for analysis and practice for the framework of public policies. One of the frameworks that embraces the principle of equality is the intersectional perspective as a determined and heuristic commitment to address the complexity of social inequalities that is rooted in the contribution of black feminisms and that we can consider as an essential tool for to feminist theories. In this text we approach this perspective, first of all, taking a tour of the evolution of public equality policies in Spain in accordance with the legislative framework in force at each stage. Next, we will consider some of the main contributions of the intersectional
perspective by naming some of the leading authors' contributions. Finally, we highlight the intersectional proposal for its application to the future Valencian law of equality because we understand equality from an intersectional perspective is to frame it in terms of recognizing diversity and making it more inclusive.
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