Repertorios de acción feminista en la revuelta social chilena 2019-2020: lucha política y creatividad en la performance “Un violador en tu camino”.
acción colectiva, Chile, repertorio, performance, feminismo, movimientos socialesAbstract
In a context of social reproduction crisis such as the chilean one, social mobilizations multiply and take on social and media relevance from the end of 2019 with the social revolt. The analysis of the repertoires of collective action, which make various protest tools available to the movements, is of special relevance and even more significance given the international impact of feminist contributions in these mobilizations. In this framework, this article seeks, on the one hand, to identify and propose a typology of the main repertoires of feminist action deployed during the social mobilizations that took place between October 2019 and March 2020 in Chile. On the other hand, to analyze the case of "Las Tesis" and its performance "A rapist on your path" which, in addition to becoming a trend in social networks, was replicated in different parts of the world. To this end, the literature on feminist collective action repertoires was systematically reviewed, semi-structured interviews to Chilean feminist activists (10) were conducted, and an additional virtual ethnography was developed to delve into the case of “Las Tesis”. The results reveal, on the one hand, the distinction between actions in the public space, feminist connectives, community feminists and those of institutional incidence. On the other hand, the role of "Las Tesis" and its performance in reconnecting global digital feminist activism with women's bodies and its relevance.
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- 2024-07-09 (2)
- 2024-06-29 (1)
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