What is There in a ‘Like’? Political Content in Facebook and Instagram in The 2019 Valencian Regional Election


  • Silvia Marcos García
  • Nadia Viounnikoff-Benet Universitat de València
  • Andreu Casero Ripollés Universitat Jaume I




political communication, election campaign, Valencian


Over the last few years, social networks such as Facebook and Instagram have become the preferred places for political communication. On the one hand, politicians have incorporated them into their strategy as a channel through which they can share their messages. On the other
hand, users have a space where they can take part and show their interest in political issues. This paper examines posts on Facebook and Instagram by the main Valencian political parties and their respective leaders in the election campaign. We analysed the nature of the content and users’ ‘likes’ to reveal the functions and themes of the most popular posts and the use made of visual resources and interaction tools. The results show that the positioning taken by politicians influences the content getting the most ‘likes’. While supporters of opposition parties are most pleased by critical messages, followers of pro-government parties prefer messages that focus on management success. At the same time, items focusing on social policies and election campaign issues are those that generate the most ‘likes’ among the public. Visual aids (such as photographs and videos) and hash tags and links help boost users’ approval.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Marcos García

Associate Professor at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. She holds a PhD in Communication Sciences, and graduated in Journalism. Marcos has a Master’s Degree in New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication from Universitat Jaume I. Marcos’ work focuses on journalism and political communication in social networks.

Nadia Viounnikoff-Benet, Universitat de València

She holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. Viounnikoff-Benet holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, and a Master’s Degree in Political and Electoral Communication from Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Her work focuses on the study of the visual narrative of political leadership in election campaigns.

Andreu Casero Ripollés, Universitat Jaume I

Casero is Full Professor of Journalism and Dean of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Universitat Jaume I.
He graduated from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and was awarded a PhD from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. His research lines focus on political communication and digital transformation in journalism. He is a member of Institut d’Estudis Catalans.


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How to Cite

Marcos García, S., Viounnikoff-Benet, N. and Casero Ripollés, A. (2020) “What is There in a ‘Like’? Political Content in Facebook and Instagram in The 2019 Valencian Regional Election”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 5, pp. 85–109. doi: 10.28939/iam.debats-en.2020-5.

