Violent Extremism: A Challenge for Pacifist Feminism
violent extremism; peace; Pacifist Feminism.Abstract
The right of women to participate in peace processes was finally recognised and promoted by the international community in Security Council Resolution 1325/2000. This victory for reason was a long time coming. Diverse women thinkers and groups began pondering the issue over a century ago and they followed the path of anti-war initiatives. It is they who sowed the seeds of Pacifist Feminism. This participation has led to various achievements when it comes to: starting negotiations; resuming negotiations after stalemate; extending agreements; broadening the issues addressed in the negotiation; taking gender into account. Over the last few decades, armed violence against the population has widened and shifted in scope: most of the active armed conflicts in the world involve home-grown Violent Extrem-ism (VE), which affects both the global South and North. The paper discusses what the emergence of VE means for Pacifist Feminism, the challenges it poses and the core of the debate, strategies and action within
the context of growing globalised cyber-activism.
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