Competitive Discourses among the Valencian Right Wing: Communication and strategy in the 2019 regional elections




Autonomous Community of Valencia, autonomous elections, political discourse, media coverage, right-wing parties, framing.


The 2019 regional government elections in the Valencian Community led to a new panorama on the Right. For the first
time, there were three political parties competing for votes. In addition, the notoriety gained by the Far Right created a
new political scene, posing a challenge to other parties. This paper analyses how the Partido Popular, Ciudadanos and
Vox managed a campaign in which they were both electoral opponents but also potentially future parliamentary allies.
The research examines the performance and campaign discourse of these three parties based on content analysis of the
coverage of two newspapers’ (Levante-EMV and Las Provincias). The study examines the preferred frames of reference,
the main topics, the cultural resonances and the ideological frameworks chosen by these parties. The results showed that
news on these parties stressed leadership style and strategy — issues that were highlighted in the parties’ discourses
given that they resonate strongly with Conservative voters. The issues chosen by the Far Right had little impact on the
messages put over by the majority parties. The presence of three right-wing parties meant each tried to differentiate itself
from the others. Vox (the furthest on the right, reminiscent of France’s Front National] tried to distinguish itself from the
more mainstream Partido Popular (PP), which in turn was forced to defend its position as the ‘institutional’ party of the
right. Ciudadanos (Cs) was the right-wing party that spoke most often of potential co-operation among the three


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Author Biographies

Adolfo Carratalá, Universitat de València

Profesor contratado doctor de Periodismo en la Universitat de València. Es licenciado en Periodismo y doctor en
Comunicación. Previamente ha trabajado como investigador posdoctoral en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y como profesor asociado en la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Sus principales líneas de investigación se centran en periodismo y conflictos sociales, y estudios LGTBI aplicados a los medios de comunicación.

Dolors Palau Sampio, Universitat de València

Profesora titular de Periodismo de la Universitat de València. Es licenciada y doctora en Periodismo por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Trabajó durante nueve años en el diario Levante-EMV. Sus principales líneas de investigación tratan sobre la calidad periodística y el periodismo digital y narrativo.



How to Cite

Carratalá, A. and Palau Sampio, D. (2020) “Competitive Discourses among the Valencian Right Wing: Communication and strategy in the 2019 regional elections”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 134(1), pp. 133–153. doi: 10.28939/iam.debats.134-1.8.

