Mediatisation and meetings during the campaign for the Valencian Regional Elections 2019: between ’media logic’ and ‘political logic’




election rallies, political ritual, election


This paper analyses how political rallies develop in an age of intense mediatisation in which politicians and media influence each other. In this connection, we look at the Regional Elections held in the Valencian Autonomous Community in April 2019. For the first time, these coincided with a General Election, so that even more was at stake than usual. We wanted to know how political rallies were designed and what impact they had on both social networks and on television. The data were obtained through a qualitative observational analysis of the key rallies of the main parties taking part in the elections (PP, PSOE, Compromís, Ciudadanos, Unidas Podemos, and Vox). We combined that approach with a quantitative methodology for content analysis of the various rally postings made by parties and their leaders on their official Facebook
and Twitter accounts. We also studied À Punt’s TV coverage of the same rallies in its news. On the one hand, the results indicate that election rallies continue to be highly ritualised events. Political parties carefully plan their rallies, always mindful of how these will be reported in today’s highly fragmented media systems — especially in social networks. On the other hand, our study suggests that information on rallies is still tightly controlled by the parties — something that is commonplace in Spanish election campaigns.


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Author Biographies

Àlvar Peris Blanes, Universitat de València

Profesor ayudante doctor de Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universitat de València. Sus principales intereses como investigador se centran en la relación entre identidades y medios y en el análisis del entretenimiento televisivo y la política. Ha publicado numerosos trabajos sobre comunicación, estudios culturales e historia. Participa como investigador en el I+D Mediaflows.

Lorena Cano Orón, Universitat de València

Doctora en Comunicació i Interculturalitat per la Universitat de València (2019). Forma part de l'equip investigador de dos grups de R+D estables: Mediaflows i Scienceflows. Les seues línies d'investigació estan orientades a l'estudi dels fluxos de contingut en les xarxes socials en els àmbits de la salut i la comunicació política.

Vicente Fenoll, Universitat de València

Doctor en Comunicación (2015) y profesor asociado en la Universitat de València. Es miembro de los grupos de
investigación Mediaflows y CamforS. En el ámbito de la investigación se centra en el análisis de la comunicación
digital. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en universidades de Alemania (Erfurt, Ilmenau, Münster y Maguncia), Argentina (Córdoba) y Chile (Valdivia).



How to Cite

Peris Blanes, Àlvar, López García, G., Cano Orón, L. and Fenoll, V. . (2020) “Mediatisation and meetings during the campaign for the Valencian Regional Elections 2019: between ’media logic’ and ‘political logic’”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 134(1), pp. 53–70. doi: 10.28939/iam.debats.134-1.4.

