Culture, language and cultural diversity in minority nations: The cases of Québec and Catalonia, shared… territories?


  • Diane Saint-Pierre
  • Alexandre Couture Gagnon


Since the adoption of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in 2005, cultural diversity is said to have become a central goal in many ratifying countries’ public policies. While differences among countries have been acknowledged when it comes to its recognition, what about minority nations that have been working for decades to develop a «societal culture», one legitimized by the value of their cultural and linguistic belonging? Is there a gap when it comes to policy instruments implemented over the decades to ensure the fulfillment of a particular culture and language? In this paper, we focus on the political culture and related areas (language, education and immigration in particular) which are also linked to the issue of cultural diversity in Quebec and Catalonia, two minority nations, which, as democratic societies entitled to parliamentary and governmental autonomies, also have the duty to protect, valorize, and support minorities and ethno-cultural groups established on their territories.


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How to Cite

Saint-Pierre, D. and Couture Gagnon, A. (2017) “Culture, language and cultural diversity in minority nations: The cases of Québec and Catalonia, shared… territories?”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 131(1). Available at: (Accessed: 3 July 2024).

