About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Debats was launched in 1982 as the journal of the Institution of Alfonso The Magnanimous (IAM) (and shortly afterwards, of the Valencia Institute of Studies and Research (IVEI). Its mission, then as now, was to foster and update the great debates on Social Sciences in the Valencian region, and to facilitate participation by leading experts in the field. Debats journal is now a six-monthly publication. Its objective is to: (1) bring together current intellectual reflections on culture (both in its broadest sense of cultural practices and in the narrower sense of the Arts); (2) examine the links between culture and power, identity, geographies, and social change. The Journal covers matters that are relevant to Valencian society and its wider setting. That said, the aim is to make Debats a key scholarly publication in both Europe and further afield. Debats’ starts from the perspective of the Social Sciences but it also aims to forge links with contemporary analysis and debates in The Humanities, Communication Studies, and Cultural Studies fields. It calls for methodological pluralism while fostering innovation through the adoption of new research techniques and ways of communicating scholarly findings to a broader public. In a nutshell, the Journal is an invaluable tool for analysing emerging problems in the cultural field and in contemporary society. In playing this role, it takes a broad, multi-disciplinary view and combines social impact with scientific rigour in scholarly publications and debates at the international level.


Peer Review Process

Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society publishes academic papers of rigorous theoretical and empirical research in the fields of social sciences and the humanities in general. However, some monographs may incorporate some contributions from other disciplines related to the theme of culture, power and society, such as history, political science and cultural studies.

Peer-review will be undertaken by expert academics and will follow the double-blind method for the articles in the monographic section entitled Quadern and in the miscellaneous research articles entitled Articles. All of the work in these sections sent to Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society shall be evaluated according to criteria of the strictest scientific quality.


Open access policy

Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society is published open access with the aim to facilitate a broader global exchange of ideas and knowledge. Full text pdf, which included all the numbers from 1982, are available electronically in open access without any embargo. 

Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society is published under the Creative Commons license system in accordance with the «Recognition - Non-Commercial (by-nc) modality: The generation of derivative works is permitted provided that commercial use is not made. Nor can the original work be used for commercial purposes».



Debats. Journal of culture, power and society is published semiannually the months of May and November. In December a Annual Review in English is published.

Publication charges

There are no submission fees or page charges for this journal.