#(Trans)Feminist Movement #COVID-19. From Territorial to Virtual Dialogue in Cultural / Artistic Experiences in Argentina and Spain


  • Marcela A. País Andrade Universidad de Buenas Aires


This paper analyses the narratives, practices and strategies articulated in (trans) Feminist artistic/cultural experiences in Argentina and Spain seen in the context of COVID-19 from three dimensions: Ethical, Aesthetic, Political. It is framed within a socio-anthropological research study that was carried out between June 2020 and June 2022. The study charted the tensions and agreements between (trans) Feminist social movements and the daily practices of various artists and people holding management positions in the cultural field in Argentina and in Spain. The findings cover: (1) the ethical implications of resisting, challenging and negotiating expected socio-cultural practice; (2) a community’s ways of being and doing; (3) resignification of the senses of the cultural and the generic as spaces of the everyday and of political experimentation (re)producing different ways of tackling and shaping the world; (4) grasping the intersections between The State and citizens’ rights in specific communities; (5) new ways of doing Social Research in the cultural field.


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Com citar

País Andrade, M. A. . (2023) “#(Trans)Feminist Movement #COVID-19. From Territorial to Virtual Dialogue in Cultural / Artistic Experiences in Argentina and Spain”, Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat, 2023(8). Available at: https://revistadebats.net/article/view/6432 (Accessed: 23 February 2025).

