Restructuring of the electoral competition in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (2011–2019)


Paraules clau:

electoral spaces, electoral competition, national identity, left–right divide, political parties, Valencian Autonomous Community


Electoral competition in the Valencian Autonomous Community has long been articulated through the left–right and national identity divides. Although voter identities have generally remained stable over time, some shifts between 2011 and 2019 indeed seemed to be connected to the breakthrough of new political parties. The aim of this article was to show the electoral spaces occupied by new and mainstream political parties in the Valencian region through the last three regional electoral cycles. This, in turn, allowed us to trace the evolution of the main political areas dominated by each party, as well as to highlight spaces in which the electoral competition was more demanding. This Valencian case study shows the limitations of theories of party competition based on exclusive control of the electoral space by some political parties.


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Biografies de l'autor/a

Joan Enguer, Heidelbergh University

Electoral competition in the Valencian Autonomous Community has long been articulated through the left–right and national identity divides. Although voter identities have generally remained stable over time, some shifts between 2011 and 2019 indeed seemed to be connected to the breakthrough of new political parties. The aim of this article was to show the electoral spaces occupied by new and mainstream political parties in the Valencian region through the last three regional electoral cycles. This, in turn, allowed us to trace the evolution of the main political areas dominated by each party, as well as to highlight spaces in which the electoral competition was more demanding. This Valencian case study shows the limitations of theories of party competition based on exclusive control of the electoral space by some political parties.

Oscar Barberà, Universitat de València

Barbera has a doctorate in political science and public administration and is a Professor in political science and administration at the University of Valencia. His field of interest focuses on political parties and elites, both in Spanish and comparative cases.


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Com citar

Enguer, J. and Barberà, O. (2022) “Restructuring of the electoral competition in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (2011–2019)”, Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat, 7, pp. 223–242. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2025).

