Cyber-activism Against Sexual Violence: #BringBackOurGirls


Paraules clau:

extreme violence, digital campaigns, gendered violence, post-colonial


Over the last few years, many successful campaigns have both denounced women’s vulnerabilities and protested against gender violence. The success of these campaigns can be gauged by the number of their followers, spreading the message and involving celebrities and agencies around the world. Those campaigns have put gender inequality and women’s protests against sexual abuse firmly on the agenda. However, this still raises questions as to both the limits to and opportunities for cyber-activism in general and in war-torn areas in particular. This paper addresses the influence of digital campaigns against sexual violence, exploring the impact of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign, which covers the kidnapping of a large group of girls in Nigeria by the Boko Haram terrorist group. Among other things, we find that the campaign narrowly focuses on a group (‘The Chibok Girls’), ignoring the vulnerability of many other girls and young women in Nigeria.


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Biografies de l'autor/a

Ana M. González Ramos, Universidad Pablo Olavide

És professora contractada doctora a la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Llicenciada en Sociologia per la Universidad de Granada l’any 1994 i doctora per la Universidad de Cádiz el 2004 (Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa). Ha dirigit el grup d'investigació GENTIC: Relacions de Gènere i les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació, grup consolidat de la Generalitat (2014-2017).

Beatriz Revelles-Benavente, Universidad de Granada

Revelles-Benavente is an Assistant Professor of the Department of English and German Philologies at the University of Granada and a Professor of the Erasmus Mundus GEMMA Master: Women's Studies and Gender Literature at the University of Granada. She is co-editor of the scientific journal Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research and of the book Teaching Gender: Feminist Responsibilities and Pedagogies in Times of Political Crisis, published by Routledge (2017).

Verònica Gisbert-Gràcia

Gisbert-Garcia has a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Valencia. She studied the Erasmus Mundus GEMMA Master: Women's Studies at the Universities of Granada and Utrecht (2010). Her main areas of research include Women's Collective Actions, Cultural Studies, and the Politcs of Affect. She is the author of several articles in national and international magazines, as well as chapters of various books.


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Com citar

González Ramos, A. M., Revelles-Benavente, B. and Gisbert-Gràcia, V. . (2020) “Cyber-activism Against Sexual Violence: #BringBackOurGirls”, Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat, 5, pp. 233–244. Available at: (Accessed: 15 January 2025).

