An attempt at exhausting a place: Barcelona University Square


  • Maria Patricio-Mulero Universitat de València


Emulating the work by Georges Perec on the Saint-Suplice square, this article presents the University of Barcelona square as the backdrop for three different literary works whose fictional plots help us to revaluate the social characteristics of the city. Based on the analysis of certain chapters from Nada, by Carmen Laforet, Maletes perdudes, by Jordi Puntí, and Puja a casa, by Jordi Nopca we can see the evolution of the space in relation to the expectations of Barcelona’s youth during the grey post-war period, the 1960s and the absence of the social revolutions and the globalisation associated with the economic crisis of the beginning of the 21st century.


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Biografia de l'autor/a

Maria Patricio-Mulero, Universitat de València

Maria Patricio Mulero has a doctorate in sociology and culture management from the Universitat de Barcelona and Université Paris 8; her thesis was titled La ciudad literaria. Representación urbana y creación literaria en Barcelona (1970–2015) [The literary city: urban representation and literary creation in Barcelona (1970–2015)]. Her research revolves around literary and urban sociology and cultural policies, and she currently teaches Spanish language and civilisation at the Institut d’Études Européennes [Institute of European Studies] at the Université Paris 8.




Com citar

Patricio-Mulero, M. (2019) “An attempt at exhausting a place: Barcelona University Square”, Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat, 3. Available at: (Accessed: 2 February 2025).

