A visit to the Catalan Parliament. The evolution of the territorial debate in Catalonia


  • Toni Rodon
  • Marc Sanjaume-Calvet


Over the last year the territorial debate has been central in our country. Both the citizenship and political elites have been immersed into an intense discussion, being permanently on the spotlight. The self-determination process in Catalonia, but also the vindications of other territories, have shaken the Spanish national question and forced political parties to change their plurinationality and decentralization stances in their respective manifestos. The Catalan public opinion has dramatically changed too. This article offers travels back in time and examines how the Catalan citizens and political parties have modulated their positions on the territorial and national question. By analyzing survey data and party manifestos we show the extend the direction of that change. We conclude the article by exploring future scenarios concerning the Spanish territorial model and the aspects of agreement and disagreement among the diverse political actors.


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How to Cite

Rodon, T. and Sanjaume-Calvet, M. (2017) “A visit to the Catalan Parliament. The evolution of the territorial debate in Catalonia”, Debats. Journal on culture, power and society, 131(1). Available at: https://revistadebats.net/article/view/1705 (Accessed: 3 July 2024).

